Intellectual competitive trivia

Guessing useless information is just the beginning.

After testing out all the features of our system, and making sure everything works flawlessly, we will be expanding the subjects in the games to a more intellectual level.

Instead of guessing prices of NFTs, we can have STEM competitions, general trivia and much more.

We envision a tool that will allow the members of our community to create (individually and as a group) and share the questions in a game. This would allow us to create a true user economy behind the scenes of a game, by opening the possibility for anyone to propose questions, that, if passed by an oracle can be used in the game, thus providing a share of the profits to those that create and validate the questions.

We will make the process of creating trivia and playing it with your friends, your audience (or anyone really), as a simple stand-alone product. We aim to create a tool that anyone can use to interact with their audience in a new way, providing them the ability to seamlessly integrate prizes into the process.

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